QuestionsCategory: BaziDE in my chart
aldy asked 12 months ago

hello master, i want to ask you about DE
i have DE in my month pillar and year pillar 

here is my chart 
HP : Bing, tiger (DR)
DP: Ji, Rooster 
MP: Wu, Tiger (RW)
YP: Geng, Dragon (HO)

does that mean it will affect me in my career like i dont know what kind of career i want to? does that mean i dont have any work in my adulthood?

1 Answers
Suzhong Consulting Staff answered 12 months ago

Hi! There’s nothing to worry about. DE is nothing bad. It may just mean that you will have to find work in a different place than where you were born and maybe you’ll only find your true passion later in life. But it does not mean that you don’t have work.